(最終更新日:2023-06-05 09:41:23)
  アーミティジ クリスティン   ARMITAGE Kristin
   所属   京都橘大学  国際英語学部 国際英語学科
   職種   助教
■ 学歴
1. 2014/10~2016/04 University of southern Queensland (online) (Queensland, Australia) Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts, School of Education 修士課程修了 Masters of Applied Linguistics
■ 資格・免許
1. 2018/09 Lesson Design Workshop Certificate
2. 2016/09 Golden Key International Honour Society
3. 2015/03 Academic and Teaching Portfolio Certificate
4. 1992/04 RSA/UCLES Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults
■ 専門分野
■ 研究課題(テーマ)
1. Research into enhancing Japanese university students’ English engagement and speaking proficiency using smartphones and other devices.
2. Research the effects that non-verbal communication has on the impression of native speakers and non-native speakers of English.
■ 所属学会
1. 2016/09~ Golden Key International Honour Society
2. 2015/10~ Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET)
■ 著書
1. 2020/04 著書 『Communicating Collaboratively』 Ehime University (共著) 
■ 論文
1. 2022/03 学術論文 「How do Oral Rehearsals and Peer-feedback Affect Monologic and Dyadic English Speaking Tasks?」 Ehime University - Journal of Faculty and Staff Development in Higher Education 21:1-10 (共著) 
2. 2020/01 学術論文 「The benefits of interactive and individual rehearsal for developing second language communication ability.」 1-19 (共著) 
3. 2019/05 学術論文 「The contribution of noticing and self-modification through repetitive oral output to second language learners’ monologic speaking performances.」 JACET Chugoku-Shikoku Chapter Research Bulletin 16:pp. 103-120. (共著) 
4. 2019/03 学術論文 「Enhancing Japanese university students’ English engagement and speaking proficiency using smartphones.」 Ehime University Journal of Faculty and Staff Development vol. 17:pp. 35-40. (単著) 
5. 2016/03 学術論文 「Teaching portfolios at Ehime University – The process and the product」 Ehime University Journal of Faculty and Staff Development, vol. 14:pp. 17-28 (単著) 
■ 学会発表
1. 2023/03/12 Creating a Rubric for Assessing Non-verbal Communication(57th RELC International Convention)
2. 2022/03/16 The Importance and Assessment Difficulties of Non-verbal Communication Aspects(56th RELC International Convention)
3. 2021/03/17 How do oral rehearsals affect presentation and discussion skills in English?(55th RELC International Conference)
4. 2019/08/29 Academic and Teaching Portfolios(JACET 58th International Convention)
5. 2019/08/28 Benefits of interactive and individual rehearsals for developing second language communication ability.(JACET 58th International Convention)
■ 講師・講演
1. 2019/01/16 Japanese university students’ use of digital technology and learning preferences.(Ehime University, Japan)
2. 2018/03/09 Teaching and learning methods to improve speaking ability. Report of the 2015-2017 Kaken Research.(Ehime University, Japan)
3. 2018/03/08 Academic and Teaching Portfolios(Ehime University, Japan)
4. 2015/12/21 Teaching Portfolio: What have you accomplished? Using teaching portfolios to examine the past and prepare for the future.(Ehime University, Japan)
■ 科研費・外部資金等
1. 2021/04~2025/03  オンライン学習プラットホームを使った持続可能な英語指導とユニバーサルな評価の確立 基盤研究(C) 
2. 2018/04~2021/03  ペアリハーサルとピアレビューを用いた英語対話能力育成プログラムの開発と効果検証 基盤研究(C) 
3. 2015/04~2018/03  英語スピーキング能力を伸ばす授業法:その指導法と成果の可視化に関する実証的研究 基盤研究(C) 
■ 受賞学術賞
1. 2020/12 Ehime University (Ehime, Japan) Ehime University President's Award
2. 2015/03 Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET) Teaching Portfolio Certificate awarded