1. |
2017/09 |
好感度と能力の評価が恋愛感情に及ぼす影響(日本心理学会第81回大会(久留米)) |
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2018/03 |
He’s just not that in to you, or is he?: Sex differences in intimate friendship and romantic love.(2018 SPSP Annual Convention (Atlanta)) |
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2018/09 |
ツァイガルニック転移効果-未完結感が興味・関心と侵入思考に及ぼす影響-(日本心理学会第82回大会(仙台)) |
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2019/02 |
The Ex-Files : How Incompleteness of an Old Flame Influences Post-Breakup Thoughts and Behaviors.(2019 SPSP Annual Convention (Portland)) |
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2019/07 |
How to heal a broken heart: Sex differences in effects of a new love on an old flame.(2019 FOSSIL Conference (Stillwater)) |
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2019/09 |
不確実性と恋愛プライミングが魅力評価に及ぼす影響(日本心理学会第83回大会(茨木)) |
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2020/02 |
The Power of Uncertain Love: How Uncertainty and Romantic Love Priming Lead to Affect Misattribution.(2020 SPSP Annual Convention (New Orleans)) |
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2020/09 |
未完結ストーリーが作者の評価に及ぼす影響(日本心理学会第84回大会(東京、オンライン)) |
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2021/07 |
How types of heartbreak and post-dissociation relationship affects recovery from lost love and finding a new love.(IARR 2021 (London、オンライン)) |
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2022/02 |
The dating game: How feeling of incompleteness affects evaluation of a potential mate.(2022 SPSP Annual Convention (Virtual)) |
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2022/09 |
恋愛プライミングが高額消費に対する 魅力の評価に及ぼす影響: 評価者とターゲットの性別に注目した比較(日本社会心理学会第63回大会) |
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2022/09 |
恋愛文脈における高額消費の知覚が商品選択に及ぼす影響: 性別に着目した比較(日本心理学会第86回大会) |